four n:gage girls in large park swing

News, stories & events

Read our latest news, find out about upcoming events, and hear from those involved.

News, stories & events

GB group stood in front of church


Stories of Hope in 2020

You can now download our special Hope publication featuring some of the latest GB news and group stories, completely free!

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Being Together 4-11s resource cover


Being Together resources launched

GB has just launched new hybrid resources for our community groups to use between September and October half-term – whether that’s face-to-face, at home with a parent/carer, or online e.g. on Zoom.

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1st Guildford leader being filmed


Keeping the connection

Once again it’s been fantastic to see so many young people connecting with their leaders and groups thriving online!

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GB leaders in training


Online training for GB leaders

As a GB leader it’s great to be fully equipped/trained for activities we may do with our young people, or to be trained so that we can share our knowledge within our local area.

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Queen's Award participant writing


Queen’s Award update

We’re excited that we have a number of young women who are completing their Queen’s Award. However we realise that COVID-19 has made completing a number of the requirements more challenging. 

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