four n:gage girls in large park swing

News, stories & events

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News, stories & events

GB members and volunteers wearing bouncy shoes in church hall


A summer camp round-up

Despite the disappointing weather, we've been so pleased to hear that many groups still ventured out on residentials and camps this summer.

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Back of flower garden truck with display of Rosalinda's memorial


1st Timperley leader honoured in float parade

1st Timperley Girls’ Brigade & 2nd Altrincham Boys' Brigade were thrilled on Saturday 1st July to be the first-ever winners of the Rosalinda Fazackerley Memorial Award for Best Float in Show, as well as the community trophy, at Altrincham Festival.

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GB members tending to plants in church garden


What’s all the buzz about?

3rd Keynsham Girls’ Brigade has improved habitats for pollinators at both the Keynsham Methodist church and Keynsham Baptist Church and now have new displays to help educate visitors on identifying different pollinators.

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