Girls’ Brigade England & Wales lead volunteers

Meet our lead volunteers...

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The Network Executive of Girls’ Brigade England & Wales represent our community groups and the group is consulted on matters which would impact these. This group is made up of representatives from across England & Wales regions to ensure it reflects the voices of our members. The Network Executive feeds back to the GB England & Wales’ Council who meet 3 times a year at our conferences.

Portrait of Margaret

Margaret Casely-Hayford

Girls’ Brigade England and Wales’ patron

Margaret is a retired British lawyer and businesswoman who is keenly passionate about diversity in business and leadership, and is determined to help guide the organisation’s mission to empower girls and young women through community, leadership development, and faith formation.

Read more here.

Kathy Hubbard

GB England and Wales Vice President

Awaiting bio

Jo Thoy

GB England and Wales Vice President

I am a retired teacher and the Team Leader of 1st Durham. I deliver the Life to the Full training for Northumberland and Durham District.

I have been a member of GB since the age of 9 and have made many lifelong friends in GB from all over the country.

Nothing delights me more than to hear of girls seeking, serving and following Jesus for themselves.

Pamela Jenkins

GB England and Wales Vice President

Awaiting bio

Janice Ogilvie

GB England and Wales Vice President

I grew up in Basildon, Essex and joined a local GB group when I was 11 years old after an invite from a school friend, but they left after a short time and I stayed and then we normally say the rest is history! When I got married, I moved to Carshalton, Surrey where I’m a team leader of a local group and previously was District Team leader. I’ve also been part of the Trustee Board and Network Exec.

Girls’ Brigade was an important part of my life when I was growing up and still is with the friends that I made and keep making but also the leaders who mentored me as a young person and an adult from Basildon and Sutton. There have been many opportunities that I’ve had with Girls’ Brigade that I wouldn’t have had with another organisation and that is what I want for the young people today to experience some of these opportunities that they may not receive outside of GB.

Rev Gill Newton

GB England and Wales’ National Chaplain and a Network Executive member

I joined GB, aged 13, when a group opened at a Methodist Church in a Cornish village near where I lived. I was invited to join and loved it. I loved the badge work, completed all my Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, and became a Warrant Officer before my work took me away from the area. GB played a huge part in my faith journey – sharing in weekly devotions, attending camps where there was always an opportunity to respond to the gospel, and observing how the leaders lived their lives have all been important in my own faith journey.

I went into ministry in 1997 after a career in banking. I have been the District Chair for the Sheffield Methodist District since 2014, was a Trustee for GB between 2008 and 2014 and then took on the role of National Chaplain in 2015.

Portrait photo of Sarah Fagg

Sara Fagg

GB England and Wales’ Honorary Treasurer and a Network Executive member

I live in Bromley, Kent and started attending Girls’ Brigade when I was six years old. I worked my way through to young leader, then to leader and Team leader. I am the District adult leader trainer and have been the District Treasurer for a number of years.

I have loved being part of a GB group at a local level and now it is a privilege to be able to contribute to the National organisation. GB impacts girls in such a positive, life-fulfilling way, helping them to develop their individual skills. It also helps them discover their gifts and find out who they are in a safe encouraging environment.

Portrait photo of Amanda Allchorn

Amanda Allchorn

Network Executive member

GB has touched my life in several ways over the years, from being a member of the Eastbourne group in the 1970s, to informally supporting the national director and staff team when I was Head of Baptist Union Communications based at Didcot, Oxfordshire, between 2005-2013, to then becoming Chair of GBM until late 2018. Alongside my role with GBM and GBEW, I’m also a trustee of Churches Together in England and Parish Nursing UK.

My background prior to 2005 was in the corporate world and I enjoyed a career of over 28 years in Barclays Bank more latterly in Corporate Community Investment, based in the City and Canary Wharf. After serving the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) between 2015-18, I trained as a Spiritual Director (SD) at the London Centre for SD, and I now ‘journey’ with 7 women in leadership and lead retreats for Anglican women living in Aquitaine in SW France.

I’m also proud to be Granny to 3 adorable grandchildren under the age of five. My husband – who retired as a headteacher in 2019 – and I love walking, and travelling here in the UK and in France, where we also have a home in Aquitaine.

Charlotte Berry

Network Executive member and leader at 1st Nailsea

I’ve been in Girls’ Brigade since I was 7 and it’s core to my life. It’s the reason I have my faith and chose to follow Jesus. I absolutely loved it as a young girl, it gave me confidence and skills I still use today. It’s great to get alongside the girls in our group now and journey with them as a leader. My biggest memories of GB have to be playing in the marching band for various events and winning the national marching band championship but also the general fun every week and the very enjoyable camps!

In 2016 and 2019 I had the privilege of leading 2 mission trips for Girls’ Brigade, one to South Africa and one to Uganda. Both were just amazing! Experiencing the cultures, teaching, getting involved in the community and so much more! Through these trips I have also made GB friends for life.

Out of GB, I am a children and families worker in my local parish church. I’m married to Sam, I love anything Disney, play drums and have an extensive collection of rubber ducks.

Shannon Boyd

Network Executive member and leader at 1st South Shields

I’ve been part of Girls’ Brigade for 20 years and I’m inspired and empowered by how GB has transformed women’s lives positively. I’ve been part of an international gathering hosted in Ghana in 2017 and was also part of GB’s Fizz team 2019 where a group of women travelled to Uganda to inspire young people to seek, serve and follow God and help young girls understand menstruation and hygiene. Outside of GB, I’m a teaching assistant in a school specialising in autism. I thrive when working with young people, and also have a passion for music, performing arts and writing my own music. I want to do as much as I can to keep GB growing and progressing as GB has made me the woman I am today.

Grace Claydon

Network Executive member and leader at 1st Hawkwell

I’ve been officially part of GB since I was 5 years old, but really I’ve been in GB all my life as both my Mum and Grandma were Team Leaders when I was growing up. I’m currently an n:vestigate and n:spire Leader with 1st Hawkwell GB in Essex. I’m also the Deputy Team Leader for our Southend-on-Sea District. I have so many fond memories from my time in GB including camps and trips, but one of my favourites must be my trip to Kosova in 2011. It was the first time I’d been abroad on my own and I just loved making friends with the other girls from across GB Europe. In my spare time I love swimming in the sea and Parkrun!

Rebecca Clements

Network Executive member and leader at 1st Marnhull

Awaiting bio

Portrait photo of Jessie Emms

Jessie Emms

Network Executive member

As well as an under-30’s representation for the Girls’ Brigade England & Wales Network Executive, I’m the current Vice Chair for Girls’ Brigade Europe. I was just 6 years old when I was invited to Girls’ Brigade. My local group at the time were hosting a ‘Beach Party’ to help recruit new members and I think it’s fair to say, I have never wanted to leave since. I’m coming up to my 23rd year of being a part of our wonderful Girls’ Brigade family.

Over the past 23 years, Girls’ Brigade has transformed my life in more ways than I can count. I’ve had the opportunity to travel across the globe to Ghana and Zambia. As well as being part of the Esther Generation leadership teams I was also a part of the Delegation of Hope to the United Nations Convention on the Status of Women.

Outside of Girls’ Brigade, I work with children & young people as a Registered Mental Health Nurse. Whilst my work can be challenging, I have been able to use the skills developed through the Girls’ Brigade to continually progress in my professional career.

Portrait photo of Lucie Kemp

Lucie Kemp

Network Executive member and Team Leader at 1st Bedworth

I have been a member of GB since the age of 5 years old, predominantly with 1st Bedworth of which I am now Team Leader. Alongside this, I am the Deputy District Team Leader.

I have attended many GB Esther Generation Weekends both as a girl and a leader and thoroughly enjoy this as it is an opportunity to work with young adults and impart my love for Girls’ Brigade with them. I have had many opportunities with GB and from this many memories. Its hard to pick a favourite memory but it would have to be either the Diamond Jubilee River Pageant or the Garden Party I was fortunate to attend.

I work currently in a GP surgery as a pharmacist which I love as its allowing me to use my clinical skills on a daily basis. I enjoy time outdoors, camping, walking and enjoy National Trust properties.

Photo portrait of Sue Parkin (cropped)

Sue Parkin

Network Executive member and Team Leader at 1st Upney

I’ve been aware of Girls’ Brigade since I was child, although I belonged to another uniformed organisation. Shortly after joining my current church, and having helped with our children’s club, I was approached to see if I’d like to help with our Girls’ Brigade group. I’ve never looked back and have followed this with taking on extra roles such as Deputy District Team Leader and now District Team Leader. I’m also Regional Secretary and chair for the Network Executive committee.

I’m married with two grown up sons. When my oldest was a lot younger a new Scout group was started locally, and parents were asked to volunteer. So I became a Cub leader for a short time. I’m active in my church and most recently took on Designated Safeguarding Lead. I work at a London University as a member of Professional Services staff and divide my time with my other role of Branch Secretary, steward and safety rep of one of the university support staff unions. When I can find time I enjoy reading, travelling, and watching wildlife.

Elaine Stevens

Network Executive member and Team Leader at 1st Southchurch

I;ve been a GB member since I was 6 years old and having just turned 60, Girls’ Brigade has always been a part of my life. When I was 18 I transferred to my current group and became “Captain” at 21 years old. I was baptised as a teenager and was very fortunate that I grew up as a member of a great church youth group.

I have been a Mental Health Social Worker for over 20 years and in my current role, I coordinate all of the Mental Health Act Assessments in Southend on Sea.

I’m passionate about Girls’ Brigade and want the organisation to grow from strength to strength. Having been a member of the GB executive committee for 3 years I have been able to learn far more about GB than I had previously known. It has encouraged me to act as an ambassador to local groups to encourage a better understanding of the wider GB organisation.

Rachel Stevens

Network Executive member and Leader at 1st Upney

I’m currently an Under 30s representative on the Network Exec. As of last year I am a Leader at 1st Upney GB, but it’s fair to say I’ve grown up in GB. I became a member of 1st Denton when I was 7, and I’ve completed my young leader’s training, my Queen’s award, my DofE and of course many camps. The leader’s at 1st Denton are incredible, and inspired me to complete my Leader’s training in 2020. I stayed there for a couple more years, before moving down to London to complete my Master’s in Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology – hence why I’m now at 1st Upney!

Outside of GB I work at one of the museums in London, helping to shape the next generation. I also love to travel, read, and watch a good show on Netflix.

Portrait photo of Chloe Twist

Chloe Twist

Network Executive member

I’ve been a member of Girls’ Brigade since I was 7, having originally just been to attend a Nativity Service and ending up being dressed up and part of the service!

My role on Network Executive is as an Under 30s Representative. I am also a local leader, having been involved in groups in Liverpool, Sussex and Sheffield throughout the places I’ve lived!

In my spare time, I love travelling including studying abroad in Finland for a semester of my degree.

I am passionate about empowering and equipping the next generation of girls and young women through GB’s work.