Remembrance Day 2022 round-up


GB members across England and Wales ventured out in the chilly November air to pay their respects to those who have served in the Armed Forces and lost their lives doing so.

Four groups, 1st Carshalton Beeches, 61st Birmingham, 3rd Kettering and 3rd Chelmsford (pictured right), represented GB at the Cenotaph in London where they paraded and laid a wreath on our behalf.

Sophie from 1st Carshalton Beeches said she was so thankful to be involved, and another young person was awake, ready and excited by 3.30am in order to reach London in time for the event!

Well done to those who spotted our contingent on TV!

1st Higham Ferrers attended their local Remembrance Service, held on the Market Square where four young people laid wreaths and another member carried the colours to represent the group.

1st Great Wakering created a poppy wave (pictured left) that was displayed at their church, Great Wakering Evangelical Church. The group were inspired by the poppy wave at the Tower of London and at Shoebury and created it for their Remembrance Day Service. It was well received and the congregation even suggested that they might like to go bigger and create one outside, next year. The group are already hard at work collecting plastic bottles in order to do so – what a lovely way to recycle.

We also received lots of photos from groups out on parade in their churches or villages and towns – you can see lots of these on our Facebook page including photos from 1st Clacton on Sea, 1st Seahouses, 1st Alford, 1st Leek Seed, 1st Tewkesbury, 1st Emsworth, 1st Plympton, 3rd Hornchurch, 1st Hawkwell, 1st Guildford and 1st Chapel-en-le-Frith.

At 1st Kexborough, 12 girls and seven leaders took part in a Remembrance sleepover event. 

They began by learning some songs, including the National Anthem, ready for the Sunday morning service.

They played some games that involved using their memory including ‘I went to market and I bought’ and ‘Kim’s game’ to introduce the theme of remembrance. The girls then read lots of remembrance facts and had a fun quiz about them.

After lunch and time to catch up, there was a selection of remembrance crafts to complete; wool poppies (pictured right), split pin poppies, sun catchers, and bookmarks as well as colouring sheets and puzzle sheets.

The link to the day was all about the Last Supper, and the words of Jesus “Do this in remembrance of me”. 

Shortly the smell of chips began to fill the room and a chip butty tea was enjoyed by all. After tea, a circuit minister arrived to lead the group in worship where they shared some thoughts about the Last Supper and communion before the young people were all given the chance to take part and receive communion.

The evening was spent watching Finding Dory – who had a problem with remembering! Hot chocolate and buns for supper, before air beds were lifted out and the girls went to sleep (eventually)!

Sunday morning soon arrived, a few tired girls, but breakfast was soon sorted, beds packed away, uniforms on, and everything was tidied up. The group took a short walk to join the congregation at the local Parish Church for the Remembrance morning service. The group represented GB brilliantly during the service, leading the colour party into Church with the King’s and group colour, reading the first Bible reading, listening, and taking part in the service, followed by the lowering of the colours for the 11 am silence and the laying of a wreath made by the girls during the weekend.

21st Castleford also enjoyed an evening of Remembrance-related activities to help them learn about the event and its origins.

4th Lincoln also took part in a Remembrance Day service which also included a special moment to recognise Leader Hayley Flint as she received her Queen’s Award (pictured left).

Thanks to all of our GB groups who took special time to head out at the weekend and represent Girls’ Brigade in so many places!

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