Outdoor adventures for GB groups


With the sudden arrival of summer over the past few weeks, groups across the country have been getting adventurous and taken part in a number of outdoor activities.

37th Bristol finally had a chance to enjoy a day of canoeing that had been postponed since 2020. 15 young people and leaders took to the water and learned some new skills including how to travel in different directions and turn around in their canoes. They finished their session with some fun ball games.

Team leader Amy says,’The weather all week had been raining and we were extremely lucky to have a window of 2 hours with no rain, someone was for sure looking down on us, following which it rained again. It was very enjoyable and well worth the wait.’

At 1st Kings Hill, to celebrate the end of the year, the young people went tubing and tobogganing. Everyone had a great time and even the leaders were able to have a turn!


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