Fantastic fundraising for Kenyan education charity


n:counta member, Gabby from 1st Drighlington, set herself the task of providing a fundraising meal for Kenyan charity, Memusi Foundation.

Gabby 1st Driglington14-year-old Gabby explains all about her inspiration for fundraising for the Memusi Foundation.

Gabby says, ‘I’m very passionate about helping people that need it so when the idea of doing a meal to raise money for charity came up, I was very excited. I love cooking and baking so I took pride in what I made. I decided to do the meal on my birthday as it shows my dedication to the charity as I’m giving up my special day.

‘The charity I raised money for is called the Memusi foundation which is a charity set up in Kenya that provides help and education for children. Due to generous donations from many people the charity has managed to grow a lot and several schools have been built in Kenya by the charity. The charity is frequently sending out groups of volunteers to go over to the schools to visit the children and help where needed. In July, my mum and I were part of a small group who went out to Kenya to visit. I was so excited to finally go, as we have been planning this trip for years but as COVID hit the trip was cancelled several times.

‘On my 14th birthday, I held a 3-course meal to raise more funds for Memusi before we went. I had a lot of help on the night but did all the cooking myself. On the night, we raised £770 to donate and I’m hoping that the money raised can go to help keep young girls in education, as most drop out after primary school to work or get married – something a young girl shouldn’t have to do. Girls deserve to have a good education just as boys do.’

Julie, Team Leader from 1st Drighlington, has since been in touch to say that since the event, Gabby raised over £2000!

We’re very proud to have Gabby as part of the GB family and wish her well as she continues to support the Memusi Foundation.


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