Day trips in the sunshine


As the weather warms up and the summer holidays approach, GB groups are venturing out on day trips across England and Wales.

Region 3 celebrated 130 years of Girls’ Brigade with a day out at Conkers, an outdoor discovery centre for all ages. The turnout for the event was great and all enjoyed a day exploring the centre and spending time together. We have no doubt that a meal together was also involved!

1st Flimby spent their day out at Beamish Museum, taking part in their Flag and Empire Parade Day on 13 May. The group had the opportunity to visit numerous attractions within Beamish, go down the mine, visit the old school, and of course represent GB in the parade!

Unfortunately for 5th Hull, their weekly meetings have been few and far between recently due to the fact that they meet on Monday evenings and lots of Bank Holidays have interrupted their regular schedule. As the beach is only 30 minutes away from the city, the group decided to take the opportunity to spend May Day on an outing to Withernsea Beach.

The seafront provided some fantastic entertainment for the group, including a dance mat, football game, and a playground including a zip wire and double swing that lifts you off the ground at one side when you spin around. We weren’t surprised to hear that a couple of leaders tried out that equipment too!

There was a small amount of disappointment when the group realised that the tide was in and the beach was covered in water. A small area was spotted where the young people had the chance to build a sandcastle or two and bury each other’s legs in the sand. Ball games, skipping, and hide and seek were enjoyed throughout the day too.

Team Leader Claire said, ‘It was so nice to see our group of girls running about with a sense of freedom, to explore our natural world, to build friendships and create memories together without any electronic devices in sight!’

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