Awards aplenty for GB leaders


It’s always great to celebrate when our volunteer leaders are recognised for their hard work and commitment… and this month we’ve heard about two amazing leaders being presented with awards.

Mary-Lee Cameron holding awardsLast month, Team Leader Mary-Lee Cameron, from 4th Croydon group, was presented a Jack Petchey Outstanding Leader Award, as well as a GB 10-years’ service award.

She says ‘I love volunteering at Girls’ Brigade. I’ve been in it since a young age and I especially enjoy helping the girls to understand the words of the Bible. I was told that the leaders in my group nominated me for the Jack Petchey Award, due to me being there for them and the girls and helping others even when I’m going through things personally.’

Team Leader Margaret Taylor, from 4th Burgess Hill group, was recently presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, in the Mid Sussex Applauds Awards, for her volunteering roles.

She was nominated by Councillor Rodney Jackson for her various volunteering commitments through Girls’ Brigade, the Church, St Lawrence CofE School, and the Melting Pot Café.

Margaret has been a GB leader for 40 years and has held a number of different roles within the organisation. The presentation, along with other award winners, took place at the South of England Showground Pavilion on Sunday 24 March 2024.

Read more about the Mid Sussex Applauds Awards.

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