An amazing coincidence at 1st Hinckley


A weekly meeting in 1st Hinckley's n:vestigate group turned into a big shock for one GB leader!

Jackie Hurst with WILE members behind table of collected litterThe n:vestigate group at 1st Hinckley have been getting stuck into their Our Planet badgework recently. The Leicestershire Wombles in Litter Education (WILE) came to visit the group to explain about the time they spend volunteering to litter pick and help to keep the planet clean. The volunteers explained about the items they find and how long it takes certain materials to biodegrade.

After the talk, the group was invited to look at some objects that had been found over the years. On closer inspection, a helper realised she recognised a name on some of the ID cards they had on display – the name was that of Jackie Hurst, Team Leader at 1st Hinckley!

Jackie inspected the cards and confirmed that they were indeed hers and had been stolen from her many years ago! The WILE members had collected them in a litter-picking event over 10 years after the theft and chosen them for their display – one WILE member shared that they almost didn’t choose them for the display as there wasn’t much room on the table, but was so glad they did put them out on display after all!

n:vestigate group leader Sonya says, ‘The Wombles had no way of knowing that these were Jackie’s cards as they didn’t know her name – one of our other leaders had booked them. This all shocked us at the huge coincidence of this happening! Personally, I definitely think God had a hand in bringing these cards back to Jackie as some had sentimental value.’

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