A remarkable service to GB


Bristol district and 37th Bristol celebrated the GB service of GB leader Julia Traill before the summer as she recieved her 50 years service to GB award.

GB leaders make a huge impact on those around them and Amy, a Leader at 37th Bristol recalls her memories and times spent with Julia at GB.

‘When I first met Mrs Traill nearly 40 years ago I think it’s fair to say I was a little frightened. She was a stickler for your uniform being present and correct and she saw and heard everything. Real old school, but who held a sense of respect.

‘Over the years I came to get to know Mrs Traill, Julia, and I can say she’s an amazing GB leader. She’s hard on the outside and soft in the middle.

‘She stands up for what is right and questions everything. She is a very good role model for us and our girls and I am pleased that in September 2022 she joined our group, 37th Bristol, to help us, covering maternity leave and she has decided to stay.

‘Julia has been in GB for more than 50 years and made many, many friends throughout her varied roles over these years, including Leader (Lieutenant at the time), Regional Chair, Deputy Commissioner, Council Representative, and part of the District Leadership Team.

‘In April, Julia was awarded 50 years certificate for being her GB service but it went slightly unnoticed due to our group not meeting that month. However, we celebrated her Golden Anniversary at our Awards Evening in July with her certificate and flowers.

‘Congratulations and thank you Julia on such an accomplishment.

‘We couldn’t do without her.’

We’re so honoured to have volunteers who give up hours, days, weeks, and even years to Girls’ Brigade and thank Julia for all she’s contributed to GB.

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