Over the last few weeks, members of 1st Sutton Girls’ Brigade and Boys’ Brigade have been collecting gifts to add to the shoeboxes they are donating to the charity, Samaritans Purse.
Through their donations and along with the knitting skills of GB leader Jacqueline, they were able to fill 30 shoeboxes! A church member kindly wrapped them for the group and took them to a nearby collection point, ready to be sent out to children and young people whose only Christmas celebration might be through these donations.
At 1st Higham Ferrers, the young people have been making these cute wreaths from jigsaw puzzle pieces – what a lovely was to recycle old jigsaws!
At 4th Sheffield, everyone joined this weeks’ meeting in their favourite Christmas jumpers to raise money for the May Queen’s chosen charity. With added hats and lots of sequins and glitter, it certainly created a festive atmosphere!

1st Huncote enjoyed an awards evening and Christmas celebration all tied into one, with young people making and displaying Christingles in a dimly-lit, cosy service. When 1st Huncote first launched, they had just three members. The group is now thriving and a big part of the church family.
Team Leader Amanda says, ‘There were not only Girls’ Brigade children and their families… but villagers came too. Brigade IS church here in Huncote. Praising God!’
1st Yorkshire district held a GB activity day called Advent Adventure. The young people explored what advent is, played snowman beetle, made delicious sweets, danced at the silent disco and made a group advent wreath reflecting on the words love, joy, hope and peace.
Members of 1st Guildford Girls’ Brigade, along with other young people at their church, have been involved in a very special Christmas event this year. Worship pastor David Neutel, a professional musician, teamed up with the church’s Children’s and Families’ Pastor to write the lyrics and music to a new worship song. The young people were invited to take part and feature in the video to this song. ‘I call on Jesus’ is available to stream on Spotify and the video can be seen here.
At 4th Nottingham, n:counta and n:spire members have completed a badge entitled ‘Life In Nazareth’. The girls looked at what life was like for Jesus as he grew up in Nazareth. They looked at the lifestyle of the ordinary person, what kind of house Jesus would have lived in, what education Jesus received, what Jesus religious background was, what kind of jobs and professions the men had and what contribution the women and girls made to family and village life. They produced a model of Nazareth which included houses, an inn, a synogogue and a market place. The model has been on display in the Church and has received a plethora of compliments as everyone has admired the details in the model. Well done girls, great job.
The whole group has also been involved in the festivities this year and have made the stained glass backdrop to this year’s Mapperley Top Christmas shed. Crafts have been made by local schools, church groups, BB and GB as a community display with the aim being to depict the true meaning of Christmas. This year’s theme is Stained Glass Christmas.
A young leader from 2nd Leigh Park has earned a reputation for herself at her church by writing a Christmas song each year. This year is no different and Mahlah Forder has written a beautiful song called ‘Christmas is Love’, complete with lyric sheet and music video! The song is fantastic and Mahlah is certainly a very gifted young lady. Listen to the song here.
Young people at 7th Leytonstone have recently been learning about advent and finished their session with a wreath decorating workshop and Christmas snacks, a fabulous time was had by all!
On Tuesday 13 December, on their last meeting before Christmas, 1st Kexborough performed their Christingle Rock. At the end of the performance, the group sang some Christmas songs for fun. This included a very special, bespoke version of the Twelve Days of Christmas! You can read the fantastic lyrics below.
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, Jesus in a story.
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the eigth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, eight leaders leading, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, nine songs a singing, eight leaders leading, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, ten games a playing, nine songs a singing, eight leaders leading, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, eleven crafts creating, ten games a playing, nine songs a singing, eight leaders leading, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, twelve girls a camping, eleven crafts creating, ten games a playing, nine songs a singing, eight leaders leading, seven bible readings, six helpers helping, five bright badges! Four sections, three GB groups, two sleepovers and Jesus in a story.